Best 14 Plug-ins For Creating A Mobile App

Mobile app design tools abound on the internet. How are you supposed to know which ones are the greatest for app development?

This can be scary if you’ve never gone through the app development process before. However, with the help of app design plug-ins, creating an app on your own in 2022 will be simple.


What is a plug-in for a mobile app?

A plug-in for a mobile app is something that adds an extra dimension to the already awesome app. Mobile applications have come a long way, and this has been made possible by the people who have developed apps that are getting better with each update. You get the opportunity to integrate what you want into your app depending on your business. These days, your apps need to be interactive and it also needs to be updated regularly so as to be relevant. Plug-ins provide this freedom to determine your own needs and create a wonderful app that appeals to your audience.

These plug-ins and mobile app design tools have been used to create a large number of apps. Your company could be the next to follow suit.


Advanced Commerce Pro

E-Commerce Plug-in

Advanced Commerce Pro is a highly feature-rich platform that helps you create your own ecommerce store, along with niche marketplaces with full search capabilities. The Advanced Commerce Pro blog will cover all aspects of building your business and improving the performance of your ecommerce store.


Inbox Plug-in

One of the best plug-ins for creating a mobile app is the Inbox Feature. This feature adds a message inbox to your website that allows users to leave you a message (the way of sending an email). Now, people never send emails, but they do use their phone. This feature provides a great way to include contact forms in your website without making it look like a form.


Contact Us

A contact form should be included in every app. The Contact Us plug-in makes it simple to incorporate this functionality into your application.

Contact us Plug-in

You’ll be able to include information such as:

  • Numbers to call
  • Emails
  • Profiles on social media

In addition, the Contact Us plug-in is ideal for giving operating hours and fast instructions to actual locations.

The Contact Us plug-in creates a beautiful and highly practical design for these reasons, rather than just using a text editor to display this information on a screen. It’s also completely free to use.

Invite A Friend

Invite a Friend plug-in is one of the app’s essential tools as it allows you to invite friends, family and colleagues to also sign up and use your app.

This plug-in helps to improve the growth of app membership and in turn also resulting in improving the app’s conversion rate.

Push Notification and Topics

If you’re building an app of any kind, then you will likely be faced with the problem of driving engagement to your mobile app.

Push notifications are a great way to advance the communication between your mobile app and potential customers.

Social Wall

One of the most important things that you can do when creating a mobile app today is create something that is social media friendly. One way to enhance your app with social media is to add our social wall plug-in to it.

Swiftspeed’s social wall plug-in lets users share their experiences and thoughts about the app on their own personal Facebook or Twitter pages. This allows other people to find out about the app and download it for themselves if they wish.

The social wall is also a great way for businesses to promote campaigns that they run through their apps and get more people interested in what they are offering.


The catalog plug-in app for mobile devices is a great tool for anyone who wants to create their own mobile catalog. It’s simple to set up and it’s easy to use. If you want to create your own catalog, but don’t want to hire someone to do it for you, then this is a great option.


Audio Plug-in

Most of the modern mobile apps require the audio effects that cannot be provided by screen and button. The audio window is used to play the sounds, whereas the Audio plug-in provides specified effects while playing with different actions.

Well, not all apps need one, but if your app is making use of any kind of sound, it’s nice to be able to control it. For example, a game might need to play some music in the background, or maybe a meditation app needs to play a 10 minute guided meditation for you.

Account Login

For an app to be successful it needs a smooth login process. The login page of your app is the first impression most new users will have of your app. That is why the login process should be simple, seamless and secure. That is where a mobile account login plug-in comes in handy. 


Folder Plug-in

Navigation is an important aspect of mobile app design. Users must be able to move from one screen to the next in every program.

The Folder plug-in makes the entire procedure easier.

This plug-in generates a searchable list of items and displays an object’s pre-description. The list may be expanded, and there is a link button that will take you to the app’s main screen.

Consider it a menu with an expanding preview for tasks such as dialing a phone number, sending an email, viewing a map, or clicking on an external link. It starts with the list item and grows to show the object in detail.

The Folder plug-in combines a navigation feature and an app design tool into one incredibly valuable resource.


The discount plug-in creates an incentive used to encourage people to pay their bills and increase sales on your app.

With the Discount Plug-in, customers can easily check for discounts before they make a purchase. When a customer visits your app and sees an item they want to buy, they can also see how much of a discount they can receive. Then customers can quickly purchase discounted items through our streamlined checkout process.

Just log in to your account and click on the dropdown menu, then select “Plug-ins”. From there, you can install the new Discount Plug-in in just one easy step.

A discount’s primary goal is to boost short-term sales and reward loyal customers.

You can build as many discounts as you want and display them in your app using the discount feature.

Cab Ride

Have you ever wanted to have a mobile app that has cab ride capabilities Uber and Bolt? Well, now you can! You just need to follow these easy steps to make your app a reality!

Download and install the Cab Ride plug-in for Swiftspeed. Start with a simple base for your app by using the simple interface.

Now your mobile app will be able to provide cab rides and other transportation services to your customers!

Loyalty Card

Loyalty cards are one of the best ways to keep your customers coming back to your business. However, loyalty cards can be a pain to manage. This is where a mobile app comes in handy. A mobile app allows you to easily create and manage loyalty cards for your business but which apps are the best? If you’re wondering which loyalty card plug-in is the best for your business, read on and learn from my list.


Location Plug-in

Location is one of the most important factors for any mobile app. Location makes the difference between an app being an app or being a useful app. There are many locations you will want to take into consideration when creating a mobile app.

Create a list of geolocated places using the location feature. The map will show all of the places that the user has made. When the user clicks on a specific location, the user will see the path and directions to that destination via walking or driving. The sites are listed in order of proximity to farthest distance.


What is the Marketplace? This refers to a shop setup where things are bought and sold.

Marketplace Plug-in for mobile apps allows you to sell and promote your products on-line. Marketplace for mobile apps is the best eCommerce plug-in for mobile apps.

It also gives you a chance to generate revenue. You can also use this plug-in to offer upgrades to your application.


The development of mobile apps is a quickly evolving field, and as such, there’s no shortage of tools to keep pace. We identified a few specific plug-ins for building mobile applications that we thought designers would find particularly helpful. We also reviewed their features and highlighted what makes each plug-in unique. There are still hundreds of other plug-ins out there to be sure, but these are the ones we believed had the best combination of options and ease of use for designing your mobile apps.

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